Ken Snyder

Entrepreneur, Technologist, Real Person


I have been writing a blog since 2001. For those of you who are younger … that’s basically the “beginning of time” for blog writing. Not that I had some moonbeam ability to be ahead of the curve. In fact it was like it often is … circumstance.

Three things were happening in 2001 for me. First, the company I worked for – Sapient Corporation – was trying to quickly adjust to the new economic realities of the post dot com days by moving some of our labor force to India and I would be one of the directors of the company helping to grow that footprint. And second, I had a first generation digital SLR and I was ready to go capture my time there. Finally, my girlfriend at the time was living with Evan Williams (aka, founder of Twitter but also Blogger before that) and so I decided it would be a good time to blog

Coming Soon

This blog was originally based on Blogger, then made it’s way to Wordpress for several years, but more recently it has been in constant revamp mode. But as I’ve now gotten a starting point for the home page, I am hoping to get all my old posts back up soon as well as getting back in the habit of posting again.